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The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp 2021



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Course Overview

During the course we will build some cool projects together such as ‘Imperial Donuts’ a static website for a fictional donut company and we will make our own CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) Application.  

We will start with the very basics, learning HTML and the foundations of web development before moving onto CSS where we can apply styling to our web pages to make them look beautiful and elegant. Once we have learnt HTML & CSS we will then build a full website from scratch called ‘Imperial Donuts’ which will include a navigation bar, image grids, a header and a footer. After that we will learn all the fundamental concepts in JavaScript such as the primitive data types, variables, control flow, loops, if statements, DOM manipulation etc. so that we learn how to achieve functionality in web applications.  

What You'll Learn?

  • This course is designed to teach students the fundamentals of Web Development
  • Students will learn HTML, CSS, Flexbox, JavaScript, DOM Manipulation, jQuery, PHP, mySQL and more
  • interested people
  • active people
  • A laptop or computer (Mac, Windows, Ubuntu/Linux) and enthusiasm and a desire to learn.
  • 31.5 hours on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Course Content

  • Example of All Types of Lessons
    • Example of Lesson Text Content.

    • Example of Lesson Text with video.

    • Example of a Lesson video played with Vimeo

    • Example of Lesson Embedded video

    • Example of Lesson External video

    • Example of Lesson HTML 5 video

    • Example of an Advanced Quiz

    • Example of Basic Quiz

    • Example of a Zoom meeting

    • VideoPress

    • H5P Example Lesson

  • Duration 06
  • Lessons 8
  • Skill Beginner
  • Available Seats 80
  • Last Update Settembre 19, 2021

Please make sure that your product exists and valid for this course

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